Regular Council Meeting


Council Chambers of the Municipal Office
1 Mackenzie Boulevard, Mackenzie, BC
Council Present:
  • Mayor J. Atkinson, 
  • Councillor A. Barnes, 
  • Councillor V. Brumovsky, 
  • Councillor A. Hipkiss, 
  • Councillor R. McMeeken, 
  • Councillor K. Tapper, 
  • and Councillor J. Wright 
Staff Present:
  • Chief Administrative Officer D. Smith, 
  • Chief Financial Officer K. Borne, 
  • Director of Recreation Services T. Gilmer, 
  • Director of Operations J. Murray, 
  • Director of Corporate Services E. Kaehn, 
  • Land and Environmental Programs Coordinator L. Thorne, 
  • and Local Government Intern, R. Paulsen 


Mayor Atkinson acknowledged the land on which we gather is within the traditional territory of the Tse’khene People of the McLeod Lake Indian Band.

The minutes of the Regular Meeting held on April 8, 2024 were adopted as presented.

  • Resolution:33359
    Moved by:Councillor McMeeken

    THAT the Agenda be adopted as presented. 


Rikki Beaudet, Strategist for Community & Indigenous Engagement and Aaron Mannella, Sr. Advisor for Community & Indigenous Engagement gave a presentation introducing the Sunrise Expansion Program. The Sunrise Expansion Program is a proposed expansion of the southern portion of the Westcoast Pipeline system by building additional pipeline loops. A new natural Gas drive compressor unit is proposed near Azouetta, and two pipeline loops are proposed for construction south of Mackenzie: one 18 km and another 13.6 km. Enbridge is also proposing a temporary workplace lodge in the region and will work with the District of Mackenzie, the Regional District of Fraser Fort George, and local Indigenous groups to determine an appropriate location, identify benefits for the local economy, and address any anticipated issues. 

  • Resolution:33360
    Moved by:Councillor Tapper

    THAT the Correspondence listed on the Agenda be received.


Councilor Barnes left council chambers at 7:43 pm and returned at 7:44 pm after the motion carried to avoid a conflict of interest.

  • Resolution:33361
    Moved by:Councillor Brumovsky

    THAT Council provide a letter of support for the Mackenzie Autumn Lodge's grant application to the South Peace Mackenzie Trust. 

  • Resolution:33362
    Moved by:Councillor Wright

    THAT any member of Council may attend

  • Resolution:33363
    Moved by:Councillor Tapper

    THAT District arrange a meeting with the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George to discuss and collaborate on opportunities regarding the Regional Agricultural Strategy.

  • Resolution:33364
    Moved by:Councillor Wright

    THAT Staff bring back a report with further information on this request.

  • Resolution:33365
    Moved by:Councillor Hipkiss

    THAT This item be deferred to an upcoming meeting;

    AND THAT Staff bring back a report with further information on the nomination process and options moving forward.

  • Resolution:33367
    Moved by:Councillor McMeeken

    THAT Council appoints Amy Coates to the Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee for a term ending December 31, 2025.

  • Resolution:33368
    Moved by:Councillor Hipkiss

    THAT Council amends the License-to-Use Agreement with the Purple Bicycle Natural Foods for the patio area located on District property to allow the serving of alcohol, pending approval of appropriate Provincial permitting.

  • Resolution:33369
    Moved by:Councillor Barnes

    THAT Council approves the applications from Mackenzie Community Arts Centre, Mackenzie Chamber of Commerce, and Legion Branch #273 to the Business Façade Improvement Program to a maximum amount of $13,375.38.

  • Resolution:33370
    Moved by:Councillor Brumovsky

    THAT Council approves the recommendations of the Grant Adjudication Committee for the second intake of the 2024 Community Grants Program as outlined in this report.

  • Resolution:33371
    Moved by:Councillor Hipkiss

    THAT Council approves Councillor Wright’s liaison appointment to the Williston Lake Elders Society.

  • Resolution:33372
    Moved by:Councillor McMeeken

    THAT Council receives this report for information.

  • Resolution:33373
    Moved by:Councillor Brumovsky

    THAT Council approves the Licence-of-Occupation for the Mackenzie Community Garden Society;

    AND THAT the new license will include the expanded area as requested by the Mackenzie Community Garden Society;

  • Resolution:33374
    Moved by:Councillor McMeeken

    THAT Council approves the 2024 Final Operating and Capital Budget with the list of changes.

  • Resolution:33375
    Moved by:Councillor Barnes

    THAT Council awards the purchase of a 2024 Wildland truck to Commercial Emergency Equipment Co. for a price of $244,987.20 plus GST;

    AND THAT Council authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to execute the contract and any other related documentation.


Mayor Atkinson provided a written report.

Councilor Wright provided a written report. 



  • Resolution:33376
    Moved by:Councillor Wright

    THAT Council gives the 2024-2028 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 1515, 2024 first three readings.

  • Resolution:33377
    Moved by:Councillor Barnes

    THAT Council gives the 2024 Tax Rate Bylaw No. 1516, 2024 first three readings.


Shannon Bezo, resident, commented on 9.2.1, Councilor Wright's Council report, explaining that he also attended a community advisory session at CNC. CNC has been given permission to find partnerships for use of their space and their training kitchen.

Janice Nelson of the Macktown Buzette asked what motion was passed regarding the MLMCF. Councilor Hipkiss answered that the motion was tabled to be decided at a later meeting so staff can bring back further information. Janice commented that she had brought up this matter before and appreciated that Councilor Wright had brought it up. 

Janice Nelson also asked if the rent subsidies funded outside of the community grants program would be borrowed from next year's allotment. Chief Financial Officer Kerri Borne replied that the funding for this year would be taken from this year's surplus, and the funding in future years would be taken from the community grant fund of the matching year. 

Dominique Symbalisty, resident, commented that she appreciated the Enbridge presentation as it was well done and informative. 

Dominique Symbalisty asked for a recap on Councillor Wright's question to Enbridge that the proposed camp would be a wet or dry camp. Mayor Atkinson answered that at this time the project is at a preliminary stage and much of the project is undecided, such as if the camp will be for 400 or 600 people or if it will be a dry or wet camp. That will be a consideration. Enbridge encourages the community to express their opinion and concerns they may have. There are no concrete plans for this camp yet. 

Dominique Symbalisty asked for further clarification on the answer given by an Enbridge representative to Councilor Wright's question on if there are camps with bars in them. Mayor Atkinson answered that yes some camps have bars and that is not an anomaly in camps these days. 

  • Resolution:33378
    Moved by:Councillor Barnes

    THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:23 pm.

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