Shannon Bezo, resident, commented on 9.2.1, Councilor Wright's Council report, explaining that he also attended a community advisory session at CNC. CNC has been given permission to find partnerships for use of their space and their training kitchen.
Janice Nelson of the Macktown Buzette asked what motion was passed regarding the MLMCF. Councilor Hipkiss answered that the motion was tabled to be decided at a later meeting so staff can bring back further information. Janice commented that she had brought up this matter before and appreciated that Councilor Wright had brought it up.
Janice Nelson also asked if the rent subsidies funded outside of the community grants program would be borrowed from next year's allotment. Chief Financial Officer Kerri Borne replied that the funding for this year would be taken from this year's surplus, and the funding in future years would be taken from the community grant fund of the matching year.
Dominique Symbalisty, resident, commented that she appreciated the Enbridge presentation as it was well done and informative.
Dominique Symbalisty asked for a recap on Councillor Wright's question to Enbridge that the proposed camp would be a wet or dry camp. Mayor Atkinson answered that at this time the project is at a preliminary stage and much of the project is undecided, such as if the camp will be for 400 or 600 people or if it will be a dry or wet camp. That will be a consideration. Enbridge encourages the community to express their opinion and concerns they may have. There are no concrete plans for this camp yet.
Dominique Symbalisty asked for further clarification on the answer given by an Enbridge representative to Councilor Wright's question on if there are camps with bars in them. Mayor Atkinson answered that yes some camps have bars and that is not an anomaly in camps these days.