Regular Council Meeting


Council Chambers of the Municipal Office
1 Mackenzie Boulevard, Mackenzie, BC
Council Present:
  • Mayor J. Atkinson, 
  • Councillor A. Barnes, 
  • Councillor V. Brumovsky, 
  • Councillor R. McMeeken, 
  • and Councillor K. Tapper 
Council Absent:
  • Councillor A. Hipkiss 
  • and Councillor J. Wright 
Staff Present:
  • Chief Administrative Officer D. Smith, 
  • Chief Financial Officer K. Borne, 
  • Director of Recreation Services T. Gilmer, 
  • Director of Operations J. Murray, 
  • Director of Corporate Services E. Kaehn, 
  • Land and Environmental Programs Coordinator L. Thorne, 
  • and Legislative Clerk/Executive Assistant C. Smirle 
Visitors Present:
  • Local Government Intern  R. Paulsen



Deputy Mayor Barnes acknowledged the land on which we gather is within the traditional territory of the Tse’khene People of the McLeod Lake Indian Band.

The minutes of the Special Meeting held on October 23, 2023 were adopted as presented.

The minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting held on October 23, 2023 were adopted as presented.

The minutes of the Regular Meeting held on October 23, 2023 were adopted as presented.

  • Resolution:33143
    Moved by:Councillor McMeeken

    THAT the Agenda be adopted as presented. 


Kathryn Cowie, President of the Museum Board, addressed the issue raised in the letter from the Mackenzie Community Arts Council regarding the request for an extension of the eviction from the Ernie Bodin Community Centre. Ms. Cowie expressed the Museum's stance on the matter, advocating for the extension. She emphasized that the allotted two-year notice is insufficient for the Museum to secure a new location or undertake necessary renovations. Ms. Cowie highlighted the proactive steps taken by the Museum, including ongoing work on grant applications and engagement with an architect in the pursuit of a viable solution.

Amy Coates, a homeschooling parent, voiced her endorsement for the extension requested by tenants at the Ernie Bodin Community Centre. She emphasized the significance of the programming offered by the Arts Centre and the historical value provided by the Museum, stating that both have played a crucial role in her family's life. Ms. Coates expressed concern about the potential interruption to these valuable services and underscored the importance of maintaining continuity for the benefit of the community.

Debbie Wallace, a resident, conveyed her backing for the extension, pointing out the time-consuming nature of locating a suitable new space and completing renovations. She acknowledged the challenges of adhering to a budget in such endeavors. Ms. Wallace also expressed her openness to suggestions from the District, indicating a willingness to collaborate and explore alternative solutions.

Dave Schindler, resident, voiced his support for the extension, emphasizing the cultural significance of the Museum as the heart of Mackenzie’s identity. He stressed the importance of preserving the cultural aspects that contribute to the unique character of the community.

Michelle Bobrel, President of the Mackenzie Community Arts Council, updated the Mayor and Council by informing them that since writing the letter, the MCAC has submitted grant applications totalling over $1 million. She highlighted that the outcome of these applications won't be known until April. Ms. Bobrel mentioned that initial renovations in the new space have already commenced, with plans to proceed promptly if the grant funding is approved. Additionally, she emphasized the MCAC's commitment to pursuing any and all eligible grants as they become available in the future.

  • Resolution:33144
    Moved by:Councillor Brumovsky

    THAT the correspondence listed on the Agenda be received.

  • Resolution:33145
    Moved by:Councillor Brumovsky

    THAT staff bring back a report on the feasibility costs, and safety risks to extending the eviction date from the Ernie Bodin Community Centre from August 1, 2024 to September 1, 2025.  

  • Resolution:33146
    Moved by:Councillor McMeeken

    THAT the District of Mackenzie provide a letter of support to the Mackenzie Outdoor Route & Trail Association towards their REDIP grant application for funding towards the mountain bike trails. 

  • Resolution:33147
    Moved by:Councillor Tapper

    THAT the District of Mackenzie provide a letter of support to Community Futures towards their REDIP grant application for funding to support their Regional Food System Mapping Project.

  • Resolution:33148
    Moved by:Councillor Tapper

    THAT this item be deferred and brought back to the November 27, 2023 meeting for further discussion when all of Council will be present. 

  • Resolution:33149
    Moved by:Councillor McMeeken

    THAT District staff plan for a one-day Agriculture Information Fair in the Fall of 2024.

  • Resolution:33151
    Moved by:Councillor Brumovsky

    THAT Council approves the recommendations of the Grant Adjudication Committee for the first intake of the 2024 Community Grants Program as outlined in this report.

  • Resolution:33152
    Moved by:Councillor Brumovsky

    THAT Council awards a two-year Airport Services Agreement to KS2 Management Ltd. in the amount of $9,650 per month plus GST;

    AND THAT Council authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to execute the contract and any related documentation.

  • Resolution:33153
    Moved by:Councillor McMeeken

    THAT Council re-appoints Camille Ginniver to the Mackenzie Library Board of Directors with a term retroactively beginning January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2024;

    AND THAT Council re-appoints Anthony Brewis to the Mackenzie Library Board of Directors with a term starting January 2024 – December 2025;

    AND THAT Council appoints Corinne Higgins to the Mackenzie Library Board of Directors with a term starting January 2024 – December 2025.

  • Resolution:33154
    Moved by:Councillor Brumovsky

    THAT Council approves the proposed Council meeting dates for the 2024 annual budget process.

  • Resolution:33155
    Moved by:Councillor Brumovsky

    THAT Council receives this report for information.

  • Resolution:33156
    Moved by:Councillor Brumovsky

    THAT Council receives this report for information.


Councillor Brumovsky provided a written report.

Councillor Wright provided a written report.

Councillor McMeeken provided a verbal report.


Bidding ends November 15, 2023 at 4:00 pm. 

November 24, 2023

Janice Nelson, Publisher of the Macktown Buzzette, asked for clarification on the vote regarding the Ernie Bodin Community Centre. Councillor Barnes confirmed that the motion made by Councillor Brumovsky was unanimous. 

Ms. Nelson asked for clarification on the grant approved for the radio station. Emily Kaehn, Director of Corporate Services replied that they were approved $2,000 towards their capital project as well as a rent subsidy over the next four years similar to what had been offered to the Chamber of Commerce. 

Ms. Nelson also asked for clarification on the grant approved for the Chamber of Commerce as it mentions Service Fees. Ms. Kaehn replied that the District has a fee-for-service agreement with the Chamber, and they receive funds for day-to-day operations. 

  • Resolution:33158
    Moved by:Councillor Brumovsky

    THAT the meeting be adjourned at 7:59 pm.