Regular Council Meeting


Council Chambers of the Municipal Office
1 Mackenzie Boulevard, Mackenzie, BC
Council Present:
  • Mayor J. Atkinson, 
  • Councillor A. Barnes, 
  • Councillor V. Brumovsky, 
  • Councillor A. Hipkiss, 
  • Councillor R. McMeeken, 
  • Councillor K. Tapper, 
  • and Councillor J. Wright 
Staff Present:
  • Chief Administrative Officer D. Smith, 
  • Chief Financial Officer K. Borne, 
  • Director of Operations J. Murray, 
  • Director of Corporate Services E. Kaehn, 
  • and Land and Environmental Programs Coordinator L. Thorne 

CALLED TO ORDER AT ____5:30 pm___.

Mayor Atkinson acknowledged the land on which we gather is within the traditional territory of the Tse’khene People of the McLeod Lake Indian Band.

  • Resolution:33379
    Moved by:Councillor Barnes

    THAT the Special Closed meeting be deferred until after the regular meeting;

    AND THAT the basis of the Special Closed Meeting relates to Section 90 (1) (j) information that is prohibited, or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited, from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act;



  • Resolution:33380
    Moved by:Councillor Tapper

    THAT the following late item be added to the agenda;



    8.5 Licence to Use - City West Little Mac Ski Chalet

    THAT Council authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to enter into a Licence to Use Agreement with City West for the use of the Little Mac Ski Chalet.

  • Resolution:33381
    Moved by:Councillor Barnes

    THAT the Agenda be adopted as presented. 


Jim Atkinson, resident and President of McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest (MLMCF) spoke about the selection for Board of Directors. He gave a brief overview of how MLMCF operates as well as what roles Directors play in governance of the operations. Mr. Atkinson spoke to what he believes are the good qualities of a Director, as well as his thoughts on rotating Directors every 3 years. Mr. Atkinson is in support of the idea of the District putting a notice out to accept applications for Directors in the future.

Janice Nelson from The Macktown Buzzette remarked that the report on the agenda with regard to the MLMCF Board of Directors does not answer Councilor Wright's question from the previous meeting about whether there is a founding agreement that outlines the process for appointing Directors.

Mayor Atkinson explained when the Community Forest was established MLIB nominated three people and Mackenzie also nominated three people. Those six people then nominated a 7th. The District has always relied on recommendations of the Manager of MLMCF for Board appointments because they are looking for a certain skillset. She indicated that the District will be establishing a process for appointing MLMCF members, with the assistance of the MLMCF.

Chris Calder, Chief Administrative Officer  and Laura Zapotichny, General Manager of Environmental Services of the Regional District of Fraser - Fort George (RDFFG) provided a presentation on changes to recycling services in Mackenzie and answered questions from Council and the public in attendance.

Michaela Roque, partner at KPMG LLP, presented the District's 2023 Audited Financial Statements. The District received a clean audit report.

  • Resolution:33382
    Moved by:Councillor Brumovsky

    THAT Council approves the District of Mackenzie’s draft 2023 Audited Financial Statements.

  • Resolution:33383
    Moved by:Councillor McMeeken

    THAT Council awards 2024 Commercial Property Appraisal Services to Suncorp Valuations in the amount of $18,500 plus GST;

    AND THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the contract and any related documentation.


Mayor Atkinson left to avoid conflict of interest and returned following the final vote on the resolution.

  • Resolution:33384
    Moved by:Councillor Barnes

    THAT Council appoint Jim Atkinson to the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest (MLMCF) Board of Directors for a three year term;

    AND THAT staff bring back a report outlining a new formalized process for District MLMCF board appointments going forward.

  • Resolution:33385
    Moved by:Councillor McMeeken

    THAT Council amend their platinum donation to BC Community Forest Association Conference to be held in Mackenzie in June 2024 as outlined in this report.

  • Resolution:33386
    Moved by:Councillor Barnes

    THAT Council authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to enter into a Licence to Use agreement with CityWest for the use of the Little Mac Ski Chalet.

  • Resolution:33387
    Moved by:Councillor Wright

    THAT the District declare June Pride Month;

    AND THAT the District procure a Pride Flag and determine where it will be flown during the month of June.

  • Resolution:33388
    Moved by:Councillor Wright

    THAT the District join the BC Rural Health Network.

  • Resolution:33389
    Moved by:Councillor Wright

    THAT the District send a letter to the Superintendent and Vice Superintendent of School District No. 57 inviting them to meet with Council and share more information about the proposed cuts to school funding and how it will affect rural schools.



  • Resolution:33390
    Moved by:Councillor Barnes

    THAT Council give Financial Plan Bylaw No. 1515, 2024 final reading and be adopted.

  • Resolution:33391
    Moved by:Councillor Wright

    THAT Council give Tax Rate Bylaw No. 1516, 2024 final reading and be adopted.


Shannon Bezo, resident, asked whether Mayor and Council knew about the bid process for RecycleBC? Mayor Atkinson indicated that, yes, she did as she sits on the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George (RDFFG) Board of Directors. She mentioned that she had reached out to Dominique Symbalisty, owner of Green Phoenix Recycling, and Chief Administrative Officer, Diane Smith, with regard to the changes and how to best move forward. She indicated that Dominque Symbalisty shared her full support of the RDFFG working with RecycleBC because they have a full site and staff in place and that her main objective was to have RecycleBC come to this community.

Shannon Bezo further asked if there was public notice that this was going to come up? Mayor Atkinson indicated she was not aware of the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George's process, but that RecycleBC had approached the RDFFG. Shannon mentioned that it was odd that it was not put out through BC Bid. Mayor Atkinson mentioned that this was the 3rd time RecycleBC had approached the RDFFG. Shannon Bezo further remarked that she hoped Mayor and Council would advocate for accessibility of recycling in Mackenzie for residents and as a number of industrial and commercial operations will need help also.

  • Resolution:33392
    Moved by:Councillor Wright

    THAT the meeting be adjourned at 7:35 pm.