Meeting #:
Council Chambers of the Municipal Office
1 Mackenzie Boulevard, Mackenzie, BC

We would like to begin by acknowledging the land on which we gather is within the traditional territory of the Tse'khene People of the McLeod Lake Indian Band. 

  • THAT the Special Closed meeting be deferred until after the regular meeting;

    AND THAT the basis of the Special Closed Meeting relates to Section 90 (l) discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report] and Section 90 (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.

  • THAT the Agenda be adopted as presented. 

Please note that all comments and questions must pertain to items listed on the agenda.

Are there any members of the public in attendance this evening who wish to comment on the agenda?

Administration are there any members of the public attending through Zoom or Phone that wish to comment on the agenda?

Rob Souka, resident, is asking Council to approve request for proposed barn extension. 

Andre Garon, resident, is requesting Council's permission to build a fence on District-owned land, between his lot, 16 Selwyn Drive, and 14 Selwyn Drive 

  • THAT the Correspondence listed on the Agenda be received.

Letters from Premier David Eby and Minister Anne Kang, Minister of Municipal Affairs regarding meetings at the Union of BC Municipalities Conference in September 2024. The deadline to request a meeting with the Premier, Minister Kang, and all other Cabinet Ministers is June 21, 2024.

To assist with booking, staff are requesting Council's feedback on:

  • Who Council wishes to meet with at UBCM?
  • What Council wishes to list for discussion topics for each meeting (we can choose up to three (3) per meeting)

2024 UBCM Convention Provincial Appointment Book has been included in the Centre Table File for further information.

Invitation from BC Hydro to meet with Senior BC Hydro executives during the week of September 16, 2024 at the 2024 UBCM Convention. Deadline to reply is June 28, 2024.

Support request from the Mackenzie Community Arts Centre for their application to the Canadian Council of Arts: Cultivate Grant to begin the process of building a tourism loop/online network.

Attached is a draft letter of support the Mackenzie Chamber of Commerce is requesting Council provide in support of their application to the South Peace Mackenzie Trust.

Is there anything Council wishes to address in the "For Consideration" or "Centre Table File" correspondence? 

A letter to Minister of Forests, Bruce Ralston from Mayor Kermit Dahl of Campbell River, regarding the state of Forestry in B.C.

Press Release from May31, 2024 outlining the District of Mackenzie and IREN's partnership bringing High Speed fibre-optic connectivity to Mackenzie.

Media release from IREN energy regarding Mackenzie Community Grants Program.

The June 2024 BC Rural Health Network Newsletter for June 2024

  • Grader RFP Proposal - Brandt Tractor
  • 2024 UBCM Convention Provincial Appointment Book
  • Emails (3) from residents regarding roaming cats.
  • THAT Council authorize the District to enter the attached building inspection services agreement with Praxis Solutions in the amount of $6,750 per month, plus $240 per occurrence to travel to Mackenzie, BC, plus GST;

    AND THAT, for the term of the agreement, the Building Inspectors at Praxis Solutions be designated as building inspectors for the municipality and as persons to enforce the District’s Building Bylaw as authorized agents under Section 16 of the Community Charter;

    AND THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be delegated the authority to renew the contract following expiration if mutually agreed.

  • THAT Council awards the DOM 24 - 02 Grader Replacement to Brandt Tractor Limited in the amount of $644,755 plus GST;

    AND THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the contract and any related documentation.

  • THAT Council receive this report for information;

    AND THAT Council waives the requirement for a public hearing.

  • THAT Council receives this report for information.


  • THAT Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1517, 2024 be given first two readings.

  • THAT Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1518, 2024 be given first two readings.

  • In-person
  • Online (Zoom/phone)
  • Written comments received
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