Meeting #:
Council Chambers of the Municipal Office
1 Mackenzie Boulevard, Mackenzie, BC

We will be livestreaming and recording this meeting. The recordings will be made accessible on the District website. 

We would like to begin by acknowledging the land on which we gather is within the traditional territory of the Tse'khene People of the McLeod Lake Indian Band. 

  • THAT the following late items be added to the agenda:


     *8.5    2025 Provisional Operating and Capital Budgets        
    THAT Council approves the 2025 Provisional Operating and Capital Budgets.

    *8.6    2025 Water, Sewer and Garbage Bylaw Amendment        
    THAT Council receives this report for information.

    12.    BYLAWS 

    *12.1    Bylaw No. 1521, 2025 Water Rates and Regulations Amendment        
    THAT Bylaw No. 1521 cited as "Water Rates and Regulations Amendment Bylaw No. 1521, 2025" be given its first three readings.

    *12.2    Bylaw No. 1522, 2025 Sewer Rates and Regulations Amendment        
    THAT Bylaw No. 1522 cited as "Sewer Rates and Regulations Amendment Bylaw No.1522, 2025" be given its first three readings.

    *12.3    Bylaw No. 1523, 2025 Garbage Rates and Regulations Amendment        
    THAT Bylaw No. 1523, 2025 cited as "Garbage Rates and Regulations Bylaw No. 1523, 2025" be given its first three readings.

  • THAT the Agenda be adopted as presented. 

Please note that all comments and questions must pertain to items listed on the agenda.

Are there any members of the public in attendance this evening who wish to comment on the agenda?

Administration are there any members of the public attending through Zoom or Phone that wish to comment on the agenda?

  • THAT the Correspondence listed on the Agenda be received.

Mackenzie Chamber of Commerce is requesting a letter of support towards their McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest grant application for the Mackenzie Visitor Centre Walking Tours and Activities. Attached is a sample letter of support, which includes the project description, for Council’s consideration.

Additionally, the Chamber is requesting further information about the District’s procurement policies and procedures for obtaining supplies and retaining services from local vendors.

Is there anything Council wishes to address in the "For Consideration" or "Centre Table File" correspondence? 

Ross Siemens, Mayor, Abbotsford, is requesting the support from Mayor and Council for support for their proposed UBCM Resolution for Infrastructure Support for Specified Municipalities - Housing Supply Act at the upcoming LMLGA Convention and in advance of the UBCM Convention this fall.

Scott Gurney, Executive Director of 17 Black Events, in Langford, BC, is asking Mayor and Council to forward the letter provided, to Premier David Eby, and Minister Spencer Chandra Herbert, to continue support of festivals and events throughout BC. 

Jennifer Prochera, Community and Indigenous Relations Advisor, has provided key discussion points following the Enbridge Sunrise Expansion Program Round Table, that took place on February 11, 2025 in Mackenzie. A copy of the presentation has been placed in the Centre Table file.

Cathy Peters, BC Anti Human-Trafficking Educator, Speaker, Advocate, is requesting Mayor and Council to alert Premier David Eby that the full decriminalization of hard drugs must be repealed. 

  • Enbridge Sunrise Expansion Program presentation from February 11, 2025.
  • THAT Council directs staff to prepare a report highlighting opportunities to improve the District of Mackenzie’s procurement practices on how we can adapt to global/national issues and prioritize Mackenzie/Northern BC/BC/Canadian interests, in the event of American tariffs or other hostel actions from foreign countries, so we can respond with practices that emphasize Local Mackenzie/Northern British Columbia/British Columbian/Canadian interest.

  • THAT Councillor Jesse Wright be appointed the Mental Health and Addictions Council Liaison.

  • THAT Council approves the 2025 Visitor Services Agreement with the Mackenzie Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $28,000;

    AND THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the agreement and any related documentation.

  • THAT Council supports the District of Mackenzie’s application to the BC Air Access Program for up to $33,000 in funding towards airport upgrades.

  • THAT Council supports the District of Mackenzie’s application to the BC Air Access Program for up to $13,000 in funding towards airport upgrades.

  • THAT Council supports the District of Mackenzie’s application to the South Peace Mackenzie Trust for up to $46,145 in funding towards airport upgrades.


  • In-person
  • Online (Zoom/phone)
  • Written comments received