Special Council Meeting


Council Chambers of the Municipal Office
1 Mackenzie Boulevard, Mackenzie, BC
Council Present:
  • Mayor J. Atkinson, 
  • Councillor A. Barnes, 
  • Councillor V. Brumovsky, 
  • Councillor A. Hipkiss, 
  • Councillor R. McMeeken, 
  • Councillor K. Tapper, 
  • and Councillor J. Wright 
Staff Present:
  • Chief Administrative Officer D. Smith, 
  • Director of Operations J. Murray, 
  • and Director of Corporate Services E. Kaehn 


Mayor Atkinson acknowledged the land on which we gather is within the traditional territory of the Tse’khene People of the McLeod Lake Indian Band.

  • Resolution:33399
    Moved by:Councillor Barnes

    THAT the Agenda be adopted as presented. 


Multiple residents from the Gantahaz neighbourhood expressed concerns over water treatment facility being proposed in the subdivision, specifically the addition of chlorine to the water, the lack of community consultation, and the lack of options being presented to mitigate the water challenges. It was also expressed that, due to the engineering firm representatives not being present at the meeting, that Council was unable to answer many of their questions and they felt they were making a decision without all the information available. The residents requested that the decision be deferred until further information could be provided and a meeting with residents and the engineering firm present took place to discuss the project, answer questions, and consider other options. 

Mayor Atkinson indicated that this has been an issue for many years and residents have come forward with concerns about the levels of manganese and iron. It has been an ongoing concern which the District has been working with an engineering firm and applying for grant funding to be able to find a solution.

Diane Smith, Chief Administrative Officer, remarked that the project being proposed is following water quality recommendations from Northern Health. She offered that the District could host an information session with the engineering firm present to help answer questions and provide an overview of the project.

Councillor McMeeken remarked that she understood the frustration of the residents, but noted that a couple years ago the engineering firm presented to us what they had found. They did extensive testing out in Gantahaz in a report. 

Councilor Wright asked what happens if Council does not move forward. Diane Smith, CAO, explained that the project and funding could be delayed.

Councilor Tapper remarked that there may be several issues with the Gantahaz Water System that the District is looking at. He further remarked that today the District could check off one of those issues which is reducing manganese and iron.

Councilor Brumovsky indicated that he was not opposed to hearing from water engineers prior to approving the project as he felt they could alleviate some of their fears and answer questions before a decision was made.

  • Resolution:33400
    Moved by:Councillor Brumovsky

    THAT Council defer making their decision until a meeting with the engineering firm and residents can be held.


    OPPOSED: Councillors Barnes, McMeeken, Tapper, and Wright

  • Resolution:33401
    Moved by:Councillor Wright

    THAT Council awards the Gantahaz Subdivision Water Treatment Facility RFP 1044-70 contract to Canadian Western Mechanical in the amount up to $605,750 plus GST;

    AND THAT Council authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to execute the agreement and any related documentation;

    AND THAT the District host an information session for residents of the Gantahaz Subdivision with the engineering firm present to answer questions and provide an overview of the project.


    OPPOSED: Mayor Atkinson and Councillor Brumovsky


  • Resolution:33402
    Moved by:Councillor McMeeken

    THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:20 AM.

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