Shannon Bezo, resident, noted she was happy to see agenda item # 7.1.2 and was hopeful that the District would provide support for a Foundry Service to be located in Mackenzie.
Ms. Bezo noted she hoped agenda item # 7.2.1 would be discussed and either a donation be made by the District or shared with other connections to consider donating as the yearly Chamber Auction raises a significant amount of money for the Chamber of Commerce.
Ms. Bezo asked how the Council Liaison appointments were selected? Mayor Atkinson replied that a number of appointments are made annually, with the idea to let all members of Council learn about the different organizations. The 4-year appointments are for the Council term and are made based on Council preferences. Mayor Atkinson added that in 2024 she wanted to ensure all committees were active with meetings occurring regularly and if not they be reconsidered to ensure effective use of time. Mayor Atkinson encouraged alternate liaisons to attend meetings if they can.
Ms. Bezo asked if the District had heard if NDIT was considering increasing funding available through the Business Façade program? Mayor Atkinson replied no, however the program has changed and businesses can now reapply for additional funding each year.
Ms. Bezo noted that she hoped that if the District were to host an Agricultural Fair in the future the event could be partnered with the College of New Caledonia.