Meeting #:
Council Chambers of the Municipal Office
1 Mackenzie Boulevard, Mackenzie, BC

We would like to begin by acknowledging the land on which we gather is within the traditional territory of the Tse'khene People of the McLeod Lake Indian Band. 

We will be livestreaming and recording this meeting. The recordings will be made accessible on the District website. 

  • THAT the Agenda be adopted as presented. 

Please note that all comments and questions must pertain to items listed on the agenda.

Are there any members of the public in attendance this evening who wish to comment on the agenda?

Administration are there any members of the public attending through Zoom or Phone that wish to comment on the agenda?

CTI Plus will provide a presentation to Council about the Rocky Creek metallurgical coal project. They are in early stages of exploration and recently placed in early engagement with the BC Environmental Assessment Office and Impact Assessment Agency of Canada. Rocky Creek is located approximately halfway between Tumbler Ridge and Chetwynd.

  • THAT the Correspondence listed on the Agenda be received.

Cassandra Carter, FASD Support Worker, Mackenzie Community Services, is requesting a Letter of Support from Mayor and Council for the Spectrum Supports application to the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest to support Social Sunday Activities. 

At their bi-monthly meeting, held February 19, 2025, the Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee received a similar letter. As letters of support on behalf of the District are approved and provided by Council, they wished to indicate that the Committee is in support of this initiative. Additionally, if Council chooses to provide a letter, they request that a paragraph be added to the letter of support that discusses how the program is supportive of access and inclusion priorities for the District. 

Amy Coates, President, Mackenzie & District Museum Society, is requesting a letter of support for three different upcoming projects:

  1. McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest - Community Benefits Stream for the "Trapped: Living Off the Land" exhibit.
  2. BC Hydro - Broad Impact Grant for the "Building Mackenzie" exhibit.
  3. Telus - Community Boards Grant for the "Technology Through Time" exhibit.

Jacqueline McCulloch, Better at Home Care Program Coordinator, Mackenzie Community Services, is requesting a Letter of Support for the Kimta application towards the Housing Infrastructure and Communities Canada - Rural Transfer Solutions Fund, to provide local shuttle services within Mackenzie, with additional runs to and from McLeod Lake. 

Similar to Item 7.1.1, at their bi-monthly meeting held February 19, 2025, the Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee received a similar letter. As letters of support on behalf of the District are approved and provided by Council, they wished to indicate that the Committee is in support of this initiative. Additionally, if Council chooses to provide a letter, they request that a paragraph be added to the letter of support that discusses how the program is supportive of access and inclusion priorities for the District. 

The District of Mackenzie 2025 membership dues for CivicInfo BC are $268.80.

Is there anything Council wishes to address in the "For Consideration" or "Centre Table File" correspondence? 

A follow up letter from Mark Armitage, Associate Deputy Minister of Health, regarding meeting with Mayor and Council at the 2024 UBCM conference held in September.

A thank you letter and Certificate of Recognition from Janet Drysdale, CN Senior Vice-President and Chief Stakeholder Relations Officer, Stephen Covey, CN Chief of Police and Chief Security Officer, and Chris Day, Operation Lifesaver Interim National Director, to the District of Mackenzie for outstanding leadership and support in promoting the importance of rail safety, 

For resolutions to be included in the Annual Report and Resolutions Book, they must be submitted to NCLGA Staff no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, March 14, 2025.

Theresa Preston, Executive Director, Lower Mainland Down Syndrome Society, is asking the District of Mackenzie to "Light Up for World Down Syndrome Day" on March 21, 2025. 

Northern Energy Dialogues is seeking communities and Nations to engage with for Phase One of the Northern Energy Dialogues project, an Accelerating Community Energy Transformation (ACET) initiative led in partnership between UNBC and UVic and funded under the Canada First Research Excellence Fund. 

  • Connect Rocket Regional District of Fraser-Fort George Contract
  • 2025 Budget Survey Results
  • THAT Council choose one of the Budget Shortfall scenarios and Recreation Services budget scenarios to be included in the development of the 2025 Provisional Operating Budget.

  • THAT Council approves a two-year contract with the Regional District of Fraser Fort George (RDFFG) for the use of their Public Alerting System (PAS) in the amount of $750 per year plus GST;

    AND THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the contract and any related documentation.

  • THAT Council adds to the roster of Council Liaison Appointments the role of ‘Mental Health and Addictions” Liaison, whose role, as a starting place, is to represent the District of Mackenzie in its role as a signatory of the ‘Mental Health and Addiction’s Accord’ signed in November 2024.

  • THAT Council directs staff to submit the following resolution to NCLGA and UBCM:

    “Whereas youth in rural and remote British Columbia are facing mental health and wellness challenges just like their peers in urban centers,”   

    “Whereas Foundry BC in-person Centers are largely located in urban British Columbia and not accessible for youth in rural and remote BC communities,”    

    “Therefore, be it resolved that NCLGA and UBCM lobby the Provincial Government, commit to establishing in-person Foundry Centre's that meet the needs of rural and remote youth in their home communities, that recognizes the unique challenges of youth living in rural and remote communities.”     

  • THAT Council receives this report for information.



In accordance with Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1470, the following will be considered at the March 10, 2025 Regular Council Meeting.

  • THAT Council directs staff to prepare a report highlighting opportunities to improve the District of Mackenzie’s procurement practices on how we can adapt to global/national issues and prioritize Mackenzie/Northern BC/BC/Canadian interests, in the event of American tariffs or other hostel actions from foreign countries, so we can respond with practices that emphasize Local Mackenzie/Northern British Columbia/British Columbian/Canadian interest.

  • In-person
  • Online (Zoom/phone)
  • Written comments received